E s t a d.org
DO. LEARN!  Approach

Each month features a new project that engages students in a real-world challenge. Upcoming projects include:

DO 4: Its the Law: Legal Investigations in the World of Music 

LEARN:   reading comprehension, writing, copyright basics, music genres, basics of judicial system


DO 5: Design an Interactive Children's Book 

LEARN:   publishing using webtools, writing, user interface, psychology, basic graphics and book design

DO 6: Becoming an Entrepreneur

LEARN:   idea generation, research, budget analysis, business planning, oral presentation, market and positioning

March 2016:

DO 1: Building an Online Magazine:  Branding Products, Branding YOU

LEARN:  web design, writing, marketing communications, branding and sales

May 2016:

DO 3: Stock Market Simulation

LEARN:  probabilities, math, reading comprehension, basic business concepts

April 2016:

DO 2: Robots, Drones, and Connected Living Environments

LEARN:  programming, math skills, data gathering, reading and writing, oral presentation